Research Verified Memory Booster

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If you're tired of wasting your time and money on products that just don't work, then you've come to the right place!


There are literally hundreds of memory boosting supplements online all claiming to have the best product to help improve cognitive function, enhance memory, promote neuroplasticity, and protect brain health. But how do you know who to trust? And more importantly, how do you know which product is actually going to work for you? With all the products out there, you want to make sure you get the highest quality product available, period.

Research Verified® was created to help you find the best possible product on the market, based on extensive research. Our team at Research Verified® concentrates on the clinical data and actual science to make sure you get the most effective memory boosting supplement on the market, hands down.

The effectiveness of a memory health supplement is determined by the quality of the ingredients contained within it. A quality product should contain clinically-proven ingredients such as B-complex Vitamins, Lion's Mane Mushroom, Bacopa Monnieri, Ginkgo Biloba, Green Tea, Phosphatidylserine, and Alpha-GPC, which are known to help boost cognitive performance, enhance memory, and promote brain health.

We will guide you through our process of what to look for and what to stay away from. At the end of this page you will have a firm understanding of which memory boosting supplement is going to help you and why.

Most Memory Boosting Supplements Simply Do Not Work


Countless companies are jumping on the herbal supplement craze to create their own version of a memory boosting supplement that "really works". Most of them disregard the research and put together an inferior product to try to cash in on this new craze. Most of these products don't work and can even be dangerous.

Unfortunately, you can't always trust what it says on the label. Most memory boosting supplements do not contain what's actually on the label. As was recently stated about supplements, "Sometimes 9 out of 10 samples in the lab have been adulterated". (Which is why third-party testing is important, yet most companies don't do it.)

We at Research Verified® tried to make your decision simple. How? Well, we did all the research for you. Let us show you what we discovered below...

How Do You Find A Memory Boosting Supplement That Will Actually Work?


We understand that your end goal is to promote brain health as well as improve cognitive function and memory. Plain and simple. And you want the best memory boosting supplement to help you do that.

You don't want to waste your time or money on something that won't work. So how do you find a memory boosting supplement that will actually help you support memory and cognitive health from multiple angles?

Stick To These 3 Guidelines:

  1. Make sure it not only conforms to the specific recommendations for a memory boosting supplement, but that it also has the same properties that were proven effective in clinical studies.
  2. Make sure it meets all of the criteria from Research Verified® for effectiveness, safety and security. Our team put together a list of requirements to ensure you get the highest quality product.
  3. Make sure it has a rock solid 365-day money-back guarantee which shows how much confidence the manufacturers have in their own product.

1 It Must Conform To The Specific Criteria & The Clinical Studies

Here's what to watch out for when buying a memory boosting supplement. We'll start with the most important criteria to look out for.

Here Are The Top Criteria:

  • It must be a dual-action formula to maintain brain health and neuroplasticity as well as enhance memory and cognitive function.
  • It must contain a wide spectrum Vitamin B Complex to nourish and protect the brain as well as prevent cognitive decline.
  • It must contain a high absorption Lion's Mane complex to stimulate brain cell growth and reduce memory loss.
  • It must contain Bacopa Monnieri and Ginkgo Biloba to repair damaged nerve cells and help prevent memory decline.
  • It must contain Phosphatidylserine to support proper brain structure and promote neuroplasticity.
  • It must contain Alpha-GPC to protect against cognitive decline and memory impairment.
  • It must contain Green Tea Extract to protect the brain from oxidative damage.
  • It must have no additives, preservatives or any other artificial ingredients.

So, check the label to make sure it meets all of these criteria. If it doesn't, don't buy it!

(click here to see our label)

The memory boosting supplement we recommend meets all the criteria!

Apart from the above criteria, here are other factors you want to look out for:

  •  Look out for false claims and unsupported facts.
  •  Make sure the supplement is made in the USA in an FDA-registered laboratory.
  •  Make sure the manufacturing facility is cGMP certified.
  •  Finally, make sure it complies with the US Pharmacopeia's quality standards.

Important Notes

  • Make sure it contains clinically-proven ingredients formulated in the correct daily doses - no less and no more. Despite what you see on other sites, the ingredients do matter. Some blends will be ineffective and others can be dangerous.
  • Make sure it contains a Vitamin B Complex which nourishes the brain and reduces cognitive decline.
  • Make sure it contains a highly absorbable Lion's Mane complex which has been shown to decrease memory loss, protect the brain, and boost mental functioning.
  • Make sure it contains Bacopa monnieri and Ginkgo Biloba which help maintain nerve health and prevent memory loss.
  • Make sure it contains Phosphatidylserine and Alpha-GPC which are essential for brain health and promote cognitive function.
  • Make sure it contains Green Tea Extract to protect the brain from free radical damage.

What's In The Clinical Studies:

The memory boosting supplement we recommend is a unique formulation which contains the most effective clinically-proven ingredients as used in a variety of clinical studies.

It's important to note that this unique supplement provides a multi-action approach to supporting memory and cognitive health. Its 100% natural ingredients help to prevent memory decline, enhance cognitive function, and improve brain health. Furthermore, it provides antioxidant protection while addressing the long-term requirements to maintain brain health and reduce the risk of serious illness. There is nothing else on the market that provides the range of benefits found in this unique blend of ingredients.

Many clinical studies on optimizing memory, published in a range of journals and articles, have demonstrated several key ingredients that play a vital role in memory health. They include the following:

Extensively Researched Ingredients Proven To Boost Memory:

Each clinically-backed ingredient was hand-picked by a team of medical doctors & scientific researchers for designing a product to provide the ultimate boost in memory health and get results faster than any other supplement available.

(click ingredient name to open)

BioB™ Full Spectrum Vitamin B Complex

A unique, trademarked blend providing 6 B Vitamins: B1 (Thiamine), B2 (Riboflavin), B3, B6, B9 (Folate), and B12. This specialized blend works synergistically to nourish and protect the brain, reduce tissue damage, and prevent age-related memory loss.

B1 (Thiamine) - Research shows that Thiamine deficiency is associated with neurological problems, including cognitive deficits. 

B2 (Riboflavin) - Vitamin B2 is shown to be neuroprotective and is a crucial ingredient for producing adenosine triphosphate (ATP) or, in other words - energy for your brain. 

B3 - Vitamin B3 is crucial for neuroprotection as well as brain tissue energy production. 

B6 and B9 (Folate) - These crucial vitamins may indirectly help with brain function by lowering levels of homocysteine, as high levels of this protein have been linked with a higher incidence of cognitive decline and other brain conditions.

B12 - Supports cognition and helps prevent age-related cognitive decline. This form (Methylcobalamin) is a more bioavailable and naturally-occurring form of B12.

  • 1. Gibson GE, Hirsch JA, Fonzetti P, Jordan BD, Cirio RT, Elder J. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) and dementia. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2016;1367(1):21-30. doi:10.1111/nyas.13031
  • 2. Marashly ET, Bohlega SA. Riboflavin Has Neuroprotective Potential: Focus on Parkinson's Disease and Migraine. Front Neurol. 2017;8:333. Published 2017 Jul 20. doi:10.3389/fneur.2017.00333
  • 3. Gasperi V, Sibilano M, Savini I, Catani MV. Niacin in the Central Nervous System: An Update of Biological Aspects and Clinical Applications. Int J Mol Sci. 2019;20(4):974. Published 2019 Feb 23. doi:10.3390/ijms20040974
  • 4. Xu H, Wang S, Gao F, Li C. Vitamin B6, B9, and B12 Intakes and Cognitive Performance in Elders: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2011-2014. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2022 Mar 9;18:537-553. doi: 10.2147/NDT.S337617. PMID: 35359912; PMCID: PMC8962758
LionAbsorb™ Lion's Mane Complex
This high absorption complex contains Lion's Mane mushroom as well as BioPerine®, a thermogenic enhancer that speeds up and enhances results. Our Lion's Mane is the purest form, taken from the fruiting bodies of this highly beneficial mushroom. Studies have shown that it contains two special compounds (hericenones and erinacines) that can stimulate brain cell growth, reduce symptoms of memory loss, and boost mental functioning.
  • 1. Lai PL, Naidu M, Sabaratnam V, Wong KH, David RP, Kuppusamy UR, Abdullah N, Malek SN. Neurotrophic properties of the Lion's mane medicinal mushroom, Hericium erinaceus (Higher Basidiomycetes) from Malaysia. Int J Med Mushrooms. 2013;15(6):539-54. doi: 10.1615/intjmedmushr.v15.i6.30. PMID: 24266378.
  • 2. Mori K, Obara Y, Moriya T, Inatomi S, Nakahata N. Effects of Hericium erinaceus on amyloid β(25-35) peptide-induced learning and memory deficits in mice. Biomed Res. 2011 Feb;32(1):67-72. doi: 10.2220/biomedres.32.67. PMID: 21383512.
  • 3. Kesarwani, K., & Gupta, R. (2013). Bioavailability enhancers of herbal origin: An overview. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 3(4). doi:10.1016/S2221-1691(13)60060-X
  • 4. Tiwari, A., Mahadik, K.R.,Gabhe, S.Y. Piperine: A comprehensive review of methods of isolation, purification, and biological properties. Medicine in Drug Discovery, doi:10.1016/j.medidd.2020.100027
Bacopa monnieri Powder
Helps to repair damaged nerve cells and improve nerve impulse transmission. Studies have shown Bacopa monnieri produces a significant enhancement in verbal learning and concentration as well as an improved ability to acquire, store, and retain memory over time.
  • 1. Kumar N, Abichandani LG, Thawani V, Gharpure KJ, Naidu MU, Venkat Ramana G. Efficacy of Standardized Extract of Bacopa monnieri (Bacognize®) on Cognitive Functions of Medical Students: A Six-Week, Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2016;2016:4103423. doi:10.1155/2016/4103423
A phospholipid which is a crucial part of the cell membrane. It supports proper brain structure, allows communication between brain cells, and increases neurotransmitter secretion in the brain. It also promotes neuroplasticity and neuron survival, as well as assisting the mechanism responsible for learning and forming memories.
  • 1. Kim HY, Huang BX, Spector AA. Phosphatidylserine in the brain: metabolism and function. Prog Lipid Res. 2014;56:1-18. doi:10.1016/j.plipres.2014.06.002
  • 2. Hirayama S, Terasawa K, Rabeler R, Hirayama T, Inoue T, Tatsumi Y, Purpura M, Jäger R. The effect of phosphatidylserine administration on memory and symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. J Hum Nutr Diet. 2014 Apr;27 Suppl 2:284-91. doi: 10.1111/jhn.12090. Epub 2013 Mar 17. PMID: 23495677.
Ginkgo Biloba
Helps prevent memory loss and enhances cognitive processes. It increases cerebral blood flow and provides antioxidant benefits. May also help reduce neurological effects of normal aging.
  • 1. Diamond BJ, Shiflett SC, Feiwel N, Matheis RJ, Noskin O, Richards JA, Schoenberger NE. Ginkgo biloba extract: mechanisms and clinical indications. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2000 May;81(5):668-78. doi: 10.1016/s0003-9993(00)90052-2. PMID: 10807109.
Green Tea Extract
Contains high levels of antioxidants, including EGCG, which is especially beneficial and helps to protect brain cells from damage caused by oxidative stress. It may also improve memory by enhancing the connections between different parts of the brain.
  • 1. Schmidt A, Hammann F, Wölnerhanssen B, Meyer-Gerspach AC, Drewe J, Beglinger C, Borgwardt S. Green tea extract enhances parieto-frontal connectivity during working memory processing. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2014 Oct;231(19):3879-88. doi: 10.1007/s00213-014-3526-1. Epub 2014 Mar 19. PMID: 24643507; PMCID: PMC4159594.
  • 2. Fukutomi R, Ohishi T, Koyama Y, Pervin M, Nakamura Y, Isemura M. Beneficial Effects of Epigallocatechin-3-O-Gallate, Chlorogenic Acid, Resveratrol, and Curcumin on Neurodegenerative Diseases. Molecules. 2021 Jan 14;26(2):415. doi: 10.3390/molecules26020415. PMID: 33466849; PMCID: PMC7829779.
Alpha-GPC (Alpha-glycerophosphocholine) contains choline, which crosses the blood-brain barrier and is a precursor of acetylcholine. Alpha-GPC can enhance cognition and reduce the rate of cognitive decline in the elderly.
  • 1. Gavrilova SI, Kolykhalov IV, Ponomareva EV, Fedorova YB, Selezneva ND. Klinicheskaia éffektivnost' i bezopasnost' primeneniia kholina al'fostserata v lechenii dodementnykh kognitivnykh narusheniĭ v pozdnem vozraste [Clinical efficacy and safety of choline alfoscerate in the treatment of late-onset cognitive impairment]. Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova. 2018;118(5):45-53. Russian. doi: 10.17116/jnevro20181185145. PMID: 29927403.
  • 2. De Jesus Moreno Moreno M. Cognitive improvement in mild to moderate Alzheimer's dementia after treatment with the acetylcholine precursor choline alfoscerate: a multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Clin Ther. 2003 Jan;25(1):178-93. doi: 10.1016/s0149-2918(03)90023-3. PMID: 12637119.

 *Disclaimer: Results of these studies may not be an implication of future results. 

3 Risk-Free 365-Day Money-Back Guarantee

If any memory boosting supplement is going to work for you, this is it.

We are so confident that this product is going to work that we offer a full 1-year guarantee. With a 365-day money-back guarantee, you can be sure that each Research Verified® product is the best and safest option available.

If you're serious about reaching your ultimate potential and optimization then you should try a product that is serious about helping you achieve your goals. We did extensive research to ensure that we found the best memory boosting supplement on the market and are so confident that it's going to work for you, that we're offering you a full year to try it out.

How To Protect Yourself From Bad Memory-Boosting Supplements

How do you, the consumer, know you're buying a quality product? There's only one way and that's through research. No flashy website, aggressive advertising or overzealous celebrity is going to tell you what will actually work.

Whenever there's a new "hot" product on the market, hundreds of companies and marketers jump on board to create their own version. Many times they disregard the research and put together an inferior product to try to cash in on this new craze. Most of these products don't work and can even be dangerous.

Oftentimes you will see supplement manufacturers making outlandish claims that are unsupported and even claiming to have the best product. So many companies make these claims - that it's impossible for you to know who's telling the truth and who's just out to take your money. Here are some things you should look out for...

5 Things To Watch Out For When Buying A Memory Boosting Supplement:


  • 1. Look out for False Claims and Unsupported Facts. Be cautious of products that claim to be the best and don't show you the facts behind their statements or use fake celebrity endorsements.
  • 2. Avoid "Free Trial Offers". Many companies offer free trials to hook you in. But once you buy, they make it difficult to cancel and you are stuck paying more than you would have for a better product.
  • 3. Avoid Automatic Rebilling. Many companies will automatically bill your credit card monthly and make it difficult to cancel. This is often bundled with "free trial" options. If they ask for your credit card details, they're probably going to charge you - make sure you know exactly what you're paying for.
  • 4. Make sure ingredients are effective and clinically proven. If you're looking for a high quality memory boosting supplement, make sure that the ingredients provide a multi-action solution for optimizing cognitive health and supporting memory function by focusing on the underlying causes. Research Verified's Memory Booster is composed solely of ingredients whose efficacy is backed up by extensive clinical trials and research.
  • 5. Avoid Overdosing. Some companies are so excited about new supplements that they try to pack in a very high concentration per day. But taking too much of any supplement can actually be dangerous to your health. Steer clear of supplements that push absurdly large daily doses, as taking too much of certain ingredients can be dangerous.

Why Does Research Verified® Have the #1 Memory Boosting Supplement?


Research Verified® was created to meet the needs of consumers wanting the highest quality
product at a reasonable price with verified research and science to back it up.

Research Verified® consists of a team of researchers who look at the actual science behind what makes a product work.

We analyze the clinical studies to determine the potency and dosage that will be the most effective. We track down where the highest quality ingredients can be found. We review the CofAs (Certificate of Analysis) of every product. We make sure there are no contaminants in the product that might hinder results, like E. coli, S. aureus, Pseudomona, Yeast and Mold.

Our team at Research Verified® found the highest quality version of each ingredient based on scientific data and a stringent research process.

Research Verified®: Trust & Security

  • In addition, Research Verified® has an unprecedented Risk-Free - 365-day - 100% money-back guarantee. You can feel confident buying from Research Verified® knowing that what you buy is actually going to work.
  • Research Verified® is partnered with buySAFE, the leading online protection agency, to give you a guaranteed shopping experience for total peace of mind over your purchase. As stated by buySAFE, Research Verified's "identity, reputation, experience, financial stability, and ability to honor their sales terms and conditions have been verified by buySAFE."

Risk Free - 365 Day - 100% Money Back Guarantee


In Conclusion - Research Verified® Memory Booster Exceeds Industry Standards on Multiple Fronts


In summary, Research Verified® Memory Booster meets all of the criteria listed above. It's the highest quality memory boosting supplement that we've found and we highly recommend it. Here's a list of some of the criteria that it meets.

Research Verified® Memory Booster:

  1. Meets and exceeds all of the strict criteria above.
  2. Contains only the highest quality ingredients that have been determined to be effective in clinical studies.
  3. Is a multi-action formula to support memory, enhance cognition, and protect the brain.
  4. Made in a FDA-registered, cGMP-certified lab that complies with the US Pharmacopeia's quality standards.
  5. Insured by buySAFE for maximum consumer protection.
  6. Third-party tested and contains no contaminants in the product that might hinder results.
  7. Has a risk-free - 365-day - 100% money-back guarantee.

We understand that you have a choice when purchasing supplements. At Research Verified®, our goal is to give you the best possible memory boosting supplement possible from a trusted and verified source.

We are thrilled with the results and are sure that you will be too!

What Memory Boosting Supplement Should You Buy Now?

We recommend getting the Research Verified® Memory Booster 6 bottle package because real and effective long-term cognitive support takes time. It meets all of the above criteria and is guaranteed to work - or your money back for up to 365 days.

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